love nature and live how you like

adventures in non-violent subsistence

06 September 2006

Sadly, the last of the red currants. We've been using these in the juicer: mixed with a couple of apples. The kids like the resulting juice so much I've invested in three more bushes!


Wardy said...

Happy new year

Ooooh new pics. Goody! I think those festival squash look almost too good to eat. I have a few left, including a massive jumbo pink banana which should make at least a gallon of roast squash soup with plenty of homegrown chillies and garlic
I still haven't sown a thing!

terrace max said...

errm ... remind me, which was the festival squash? Labels mixed up, never did re-establish what was what...

Happy New Year to you too!

Wardy said...

The Winter Festival is the stripey one. I really like those cubed and fried with rice and veggies